Firmware update V1.1.2 - Experience report

  • I noticed an update to my motion sensors, TShelly is 20210531-091017/v1.1.2@aeceaa55,

    Before it was 1.1.0.

    Also there was update to phone app! I hoping things go well.

    updates to follow

  • Well, I don't have any Cloud enabled devices. So, I manually upgraded my motion sensors.

    Experience is not really excellent.

    1. First, I had to manually reboot the Shelly Motions, so that they would see the update.

    2. Updating took a considerable time, much longer than the usual Shelly devices.

    3. After updating, I was unable to connect to the Shelly Motions, though they did work.

    4. Reset a device is not straight forward anymore. Seems the device notices the reset button is pressed, but when you wait too long to connect to its own generated WiFi signal, it returns to the configured mode. In itself not a bad idea, but I didn't know about it.

    5. Re-configuring the device is a snap, like it was before. Now I see time indicators next to the 'Action' URL entries. Apparently, one can program in that they only detect during a preset time interval. Like :
    from 06:00 to 23:00

    or something similar. Nice, but anyway, I left both to 00:00. I hope that is okay for them to always work.

    6. After configuring, the device goes - without warning - into power saving mode. It's pingable, but the device only answers sometimes.

    So, now I tried to connect to the device to access the web interface. >>impossible<<

    Once the device is set up, the web interface loads a little bit (I tried 4 different browsers: Safari, Chrome, Brave and FireFox). But immediately (I suspect it goes to sleep) the loading is halted - for ever. I suspect the device after a small sleep does not remember I connected to it.

    In short, after the device is set up, it works, but unable to get to the web interface anymore (the actions are done well, though).

    Finally: I'll see if the device keeps sending its actions. I can't see the device status anymore, so I will rely on the actions to let me know it is okay. This is very similar to flood, door and other devices, that to save battery go to sleep. They become unreachable (unless the very short moment an action taakes place).

    Let's hope for the best!

  • Well Darn, I had such high hopes, but I'm having the same issues you are, Only one of the 3 I have is working. I hope they keep trying, It will be a great product if they get the bugs out. Points for trying with the update!

  • Wandering#Sound#94 1. Juni 2021 um 06:27

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Firmware update!?“ zu „Firmware update V1.1.2 - Experience report“ geändert.
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    You are welcome to report experience reports and bugs here in this thread.

    parallel to this article there is also a German-speaking one:

  • I reset the sensor by holding down reset for 30 secs, On my Android phone, I add the device, it sees it just fine, says it's included.

    Return to main screen and refresh it 4 or 5 times to try and get drop down box to open so I can name it and choose room, Open and close app, screen never drops down. Ok Lets Try again. Reset, Add device, included in wifi, success. return to main screen and try to get drop box to show up by refreshing, Box drops down, I choose light icon in discovered devices drop down, it list everything in my house, I dont see motion sensor. Back out of that to choose different icon in drop down box. But it wont drop down again, no matter how many times I refresh. Try again, RESET sensor. Ok Device included, back to drop down box, Refresh screen, 3 times, drop down box never appears.

    Sometimes I get all the way, assign it a room, choose lights to turn on, but wont turn them on or it will but then never turn's them off again.\

    I have updated, rebooted, router, Phone, firmware, I once had all 3 working, but could not choose "turn off after 10 mins of no motion, The one that works now turns light off after a few mins no matter what I choose it the app. I have reset so many times, so many hrs, trying and trying, Turned to support, the forum,

    I have a Pixel 3a, phone, I know it must be very hard getting things to work with all the different Phones, computers, and the weakest link, The people. ;] Thanks for trying, I really like your products but the universe is eating my lunch on the motion sensors.

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