Shelly Flood on Unifi AP

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to use Shelly Flood sensors on my Unifi Access Points, but unfortunately they never get connected. Is there anything I need to consider when using them on Unifi WiFi?

    I've already created a separate SSID reduced to 2.4GHz, but even that didn't help.

  • Are you sure that they are alive?

    From time to time issues with battery connections are reported, such that they don't have connection to the battery.

    If they are alive, have you been able to connect to the Shelly own WIFI which the device initiates for configuration?

    If you are connected to the Shelly own WIFI you have to start a webbrowser and enter , then you should be able to configure it.

  • Thank you for your quick response. Yes, I can connect via once I keep the button pressed for more than ten seconds.

    I call the config page on the shelly flood by opening the above ip on the shelly flood I'm also able to make changes to the device settings, but as soon as I change wifi it never gets connected to my wifi network.

  • There were quite a few discussions regarding issues when trying to connect devices to Unifi network.

    I will take a look.

    Seven of Nine listed some advices here:

    Seven of Nine
    27. Dezember 2020 um 09:38

    Most important seems to be to have a most recent Firmware version installed on Ubiquiti devices.

  • I saw that thread before and compared the suggested settings, but I've them already. The firmware I see when connecting via AP-mode on the Shelly Flood shows something 2019. Is there something newer available?

    Unfortunately I've had no success with the above settings.

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