Not connecting to cloud

  • Bought 4 Shelly Plug S. They are connected to my wifi network with IP in the router. They are sometimes online when I am on the same wifi but never from outside. If i click on the device in the IOS app it says "your device is not conected to the cloud"

    What to do?

    Some known problems with plug S or IOS app?

  • I believe the shelly isn't linked to your cloud account..

    go to the Shelly-Webinterface (http://shelly-ip) and disable the Cloud, then open the App on your smartphone and re-enable the Cloud..

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

  • swith shelly-ip I meant the real IP address from your shelly, e.g. http://192.168.x.y ..

    you can check it via Smartphone-App:

    select the Shelly, then Settings - Device Information:

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    Device IP is the important information.

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!: