Editing Web Server

  • Hello

    I hope you guys are doing well

    I am wanting help in order to have a "custom" button , so I ordered this https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.8inch_DPI_LCD

    Now what i have is a Raspian opening chromium on start and getting it full screen but the iwanted to make some changes to the web server in order to have a big On/Off Switch , i leave here pictures of what i have, and what i am trying to achive

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  • please check this link for a HTML & Javascript example:


    this is the interesting part in index.html
    data-type would be light, then replace data-ip with the IP from you Shelly.

    <div id="1" data-consumption="true" data-type="relay" data-relayindex="0" data-name="Kitchenlight" data-ip=""></div>

    Important: Before the Shelly can be queried via Javascript you'd have to enable CORS.

    Go to the Shelly Webinterface, Internet & Security - Advanced Developer Settings and enable "Allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing".

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

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