I've installed a shelly1 for a (230V) light exactly as depicted here using a single physical switch: https://shelly-forum.com/index.php?atta…usschaltung-png. Updated to firmware 20190821-094851/v1.5.2@4148d2b7.
Configured shelly1 as edge switch, but it the light is not turning on/off using the physical switch. The internal web page on/off switch works fine.
I've measured (using a digital voltmeter) the AC voltage on the [SW] terminal and confirmed it receives 230V when I flip the physical switch. In the off position there is a small residual voltage of about 35V which seems to be "phantom voltage" or inductance from other nearby wires.
I've already tried a factory reset, but nothing I have tried is working. Could it be the "phantom voltage" or is there some options for me to try?