Hi, i have a shelly rgbw2 and i can't update.
it show that are an update:
Current version: 20201124-092235/v1.9.0@57ac4ad8
New version: 20210415-131002/v1.10.3-g23074d0
but when i click on update firmware led start to flashing for some minute and after turn off without update
i also tried with command with ota command (http://ip/ota?url=http://repo.shelly.cloud/firmware/SHRGBW2-white.zip) but with the same behavior (flashing for some minute and no update).
I also tried to reset the device but after reset I have same issue.
All the settings it's ok (dns ip gateway etc) and i have also some shelly 1 that i can update without any problems..
what i can do??