Input state identifier always "ON" in Shelly app

  • Hi folks, I was using Shelly 1 to control the semi-smart garage door, which needs an impulse on the input to kick off the motor and either open or close the gate depending on the current door state. The motor controller does everything itself, it just needs an impulse to start moving the gate. So far everything worked quite well, I powered Shelly 1 from 230V AC and connected I/O in parallel to the button which already existed.

    Now I want to know the state of the door, too.

    So I set the "Button type" to "Detached" in Settings, and checked "Add input state identifier to the power button" in Application Settings. The gate has a lamp that turns on when the gate is open. It's a normal 230V AC E27 bulb, so, I split the Live wire going to the bulb and hooked it up to "SW" on the Shelly 1.

    Basically, my setup is like the attached image, except what's shown on image as lamp is actually gate controller, and external switch is built into the motor controller.

    The only problem is that now, the Input state (light blue bar on the Shelly 1 power icon in the app) is always on.

    I measured voltage between SW and N and it's correctly showing 0.00 when the gate is closed, and 230 when the gate is open.

    Also measured between SW and L and as expected it's 0.00 at all times.

    Am I doing something wrong here or did I misconfigure something?

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  • Also measured between SW and L and as expected it's 0.00 at all times.

    this is the reason the input identifier doesn't change its state.. it's not possible to use the input identifier (status of SW) to see if the gate is open or closed.

    btw, you can reverse the identifier by changing "reverse Inputs" (last checkbox from button type).. then it's always off ..

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    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

  • I came to the forum tonight to look into an issue I had today but it sounds very similar to yours - essentially that you cannot also have a switched 'load' connected to the Shelly1 SW input.

    I had an existing bathroom light that I did NOT want to automate, but when the light was switched on I wanted a new bathroom heater to also be turned on (by the Shelly 1's relay). So, I split the switched-live so that it was still connected to the existing LED lights and ALSO to the Shelly 1 SW. However, no matter what I did with the wall switch the Shelly1 input indicator still showed that it was on. This meant that I could only control the heater from the app, not from the wall switch.

    As a test, with nothing connected to the Shelly's SW input I measured the voltage between SW and N and found that it was ~33 Volts AC.

    I'm not sure what the solution will be for you but in my case I've now got to re-think my plans as I cannot simply connect my lights to the Shelly output as the heater will be programmed to potentially switch off sooner than the lights - the only need to go off when the wall switch goes off.

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