Light turns on after wifi reconnect

  • I have multiple Shelly's in my network. (including a Dimmer 1)

    the most recent addition is a Dimmer 2.

    However i have a strange problem.

    when the wifi reconnect.the light turns on.

    i can simulate this by de-auth the device from the wifi.

    Power on default mode is off.

    Cloud is disabled.

    MQTT is enabled.

    the device doesn't have access tot the internet. so no possibillity from this side.

    To rule out an MQTT problem i renamed the device. still the same problem.

    i updated the firmware yesterday to 20210323-110201/v1.10.1-gf276b51 however this didn't change anything.

    No other types of shelly have this problem.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Snowy#Boat#30939 (6. April 2021 um 11:23) aus folgendem Grund: /edit. afterall it was an mqtt problem

  • I have a similar problem here. It also happens if the device reboots.

    I have no switches connected to these shellies, they are operated only by MQTT commands.

    It means that with the "SOFT REBOOT WHEN WIFI CONNECTION IS LOST" option turned ON, my lights turn on randomly. I need that option because I'm also suffering from the connection loss issue (Support for Allterco)

  • And it doesn't matter what I have at "POWER ON DEFAULT MODE".

    I've tried with "OFF - Configure Shelly device to Turn OFF, when it has power." and with "Restore Last Mode - Configure Shelly device to Restore the last mode it was in, when it has power."

  • I still have the very same problem with my dimmer2 only - is there any solution?


    Current version: 20230913-114008/v1.14.0-gcb84623