BUG Shelly middle point 50% calibration

  • Hello all,

    Can it be possible to add a paramter in the options of a Shelly 2.5 in Shutter mode?

    Some shutters need some time from totally closed until they begin moving the bottom-most part and opening.

    The way its done at the moment the scroll bar and the tral blind are not real since fom 50% i must introduce 66%

    The parameter should read like "Half way shutter position". If you enter a position in %, e.g. 66%, the shutter position 66% will be interpreted as 50%, so it will be read as 50% and if you set 50% it will go to 66%. So 50-100% values will be crushed to 66-100% values and 0 - 50% values will be expanded to 0 - 66%. This way the shutter will be half way down on reading or setting 50%. Right now I have to set 66%, because it takes the moter longer to go to the end position.

    The Tasmota theam has introduced this feature in the firmware, look here: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Blinds-and-Shutters/

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi and welcome to the forum. :)

    Feature Request please to Allterco. ;)

  • Hi and welcome to the forum. :)

    Feature Request please to Allterco. ;)


    Thanks for the welcome.

    Regarding the Allterco what is it?

    And this is not a feature request, is a bug fix.

    On the shelly app the roller bar middle point dont correspond to the physical middle point of the roller, so we must see this as a bug fix and not a feature.

    On our cars the speed indicator say you are going at 100km/h, and you cant be in real going at 120km/h or can you? Otherwise you are being lead to mistake.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    this isn't realy a bug. Other products like Homematic as example have the same "problem".

    Allterco is the producer of Shelly. Only Allterco will fix it perhaps, if many user ask for it.

    You find a button to Allterco Ticketsystem on the left side here. ;)

  • Hi,

    this isn't realy a bug. Other products like Homematic as example have the same "problem".

    Allterco is the producer of Shelly. Only Allterco will fix it perhaps, if many user ask for it.

    You find a button to Allterco Ticketsystem on the left side here. ;)


    From the moment you say its a "problem" you are confirming that is a bug from Shelly and like you say from Homematic.

    Doesnt make any sense that the middle point doesnt match the 50%., and it cant be calibrated.

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