URL does not seem to work Shelly 2.5

  • Hi there, (I'm a beginner)

    It seems that the URL's i'm putting in don't do anything to the functioning of my shelly device. (Shelly 2.5)

    I have it connected as described in the manual.

    What I want basically is to control two lights with two switches ( one switch upstairs, and one downstairs ).
    Let's say. Toggle light 1 with short presses. And toggle light 2 with long presses.

    The switches are Momentary switches (Puls)

    From what I have read in the DDD manual is that there is a possibility to use URL's to control both the relay 1 and 2 with just one connected switch. As both relays have their own channel 0 and 1.

    Using the URL: and

    I should be able to toggle both relays with just one switch. But this however does not work.

    I have tried to put the Button Type to both Momentary, as to Detached Switch.
    On Momentary mode the relay only switches the light that is connected to that relay

    On Detached mode nothing happes.

    Ofcourse i check the Enable box, and a Save ( Green Success bar is shown)
    Mode is set to: Relay
    Load type to: Lights

    Where did I possibly go wrong, any suggestions? :/

  • Zur hilfreichsten Antwort springen
  • thnx for the quick reply

    Can you specify what you mean with localhost in stead of IP

    I used the adress found under Device Information: Device IP
    ( As described in the DDD manual