Dimmer 2 - No connection in Client Mode

  • Hi All,

    I just received a new dimmer 2 for testing before I go all out and fit them to everything in the house.

    I however cannot connect to the device after setting up my wifi. Does not respond to ping or webpage request. It does show on my wifi though.

    Any thoughts on this?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi and welcome to the forum. :)

    Is it your first shelly? Then, perhaps, your router is incompatible!?

  • I may have similar issue.

    I have installed a Dimmer 2 about a year a go, and could operate it over my LAN for a few months. Now looking into the issue again. The dimmer is working in its basic form - ordinary lightswitch controls light with delayed off.

    But the device is not reachable on LAN.

    Now, whatever I try, I never get it to appear on LAN; router doesn't list it as WiFi connected device.

    I've done short reset to bring it into AP mode, then configure wifi client, with or without static IP, with or without gateway IP, with or without DNS IP. None of these modes do work. Ping to static IP is not answered.

    I bought more Shelly dimmer 2's but same effect.

    I have several ESP8266 devices and use them without issue.

    What does shelly firmware do when it can't connect to guest wifi in STA mode? does it fallback to AP mode? (apparently not)

    Is there a way to find out what fails when it tries to connect to wifi router?

    Are there unexpected restrictions to the length of wifi SSID and password (mine SSID and PW is 16-32 uppercase hex letters)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Plain#Hall#31290 (6. April 2021 um 12:10)

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