Hello. I want to use a Shelly uni on my doorbell to receive a notification when someone rings. Can someone help me with the wiring? New user of UNI. Thanks.
- Shelly Uni
silva.lipe -
20. Februar 2021 um 19:37 -
This is the intercom. The yellow circle marks the wires that come from the switch on the door and button downstairs on the building entrance.
Unless someone by coincidence recognizes your intercom model and knows exactly how it operates I’m afraid you may not get help.
Can you specify the exact type so one cans find out?
The sheer number of wires attached might indicate you’re lucky but we need to know the voltage, whether one cable transmits the doorbell signal and nothing else or if everything is transmitted in one wire (with different voltages and the speech signal modulated on it (like newer Siedle systems common in Germany...).
Hi Georg.
It’s a BPT YC200. It has 3 wires on the doorbell connector. I don’t need the bell to ring, I only need the notification. My difficulty is where to connect the wires in the UNI.
Okay, the Call sign should be 5 and 7, where 5 is common (assumingly „minus“) and 7 is the actual signal („plus“).
You need to measure the voltage between those terminals first and see the voltage, both normally and when door bell is being rung to make sure the voltages are within the range that the Uni is okay with.
If that’s the case - and if my -/+ assumption is correct, too: Pin 3 of the Uni (white) goes to 7 on your door phone, Pin 6 (green) goes to 5 on your door phone.
Then you have to find power for the Uni Pins 1 and 2. I’m not sure you’ll find it within your phone, so you May have to use an external adapter (e.g. to 12V DC from a wall socket (hopefully) nearby. If you’re really lucky there is usable constant power source in the phone somewhere but it also needs to be able to handle the Shelly‘s consumption without the voltage collapsing.
If you have both you can set up a scene that notifies you once there is a certain voltage on the ADC sensor (i.e. the one you measured when bell is rung).
I suppose you could alternatively hook up the bell signal to the input buttons of the Uni, but the above works for me fine.
In your pic it looks like a cable is loose, but I’m sure you saw that.
Best of luck,
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