Check this schema - Connection of the Stairway Switch with Shelly2.5

  • Hello,

    Is my schematics OK?

    Sorry for ugly drawing :)

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    Which settings should I use?

    I suppose Edge switch and Restore previous state after power outage?



  • Zur hilfreichsten Antwort springen
  • miso k 7. Februar 2021 um 22:27

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Connection of the Stairway Switch with Shelly2.5“ zu „Check this schema - Connection of the Stairway Switch with Shelly2.5“ geändert.
  • Hi, most likely not. What are you trying to achieve? Two switches that control one lamp? Try this, you can also use a 2.5:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Admin (17. Mai 2024 um 10:31) aus folgendem Grund: Markenrechtsverletzung Bild gelöscht

  • Dammed, too late for a joke... :D

    miso k : Are you really familiar with electric installation?

    Mit der Elektrik ist das doch ganz einfach. Alles, was man sich merken muss: Rot ist Schwarz und Plus ist Minus, dann klappt‘s immer:!: Und beim Programmieren hat man auch nur Nullen und Einsen, also wie kompliziert kann das schon sein:?:

  • I was trying to do it, but the problem is, that I dont have all the cables for shelly in one box:

    Red "circle" = one box

    Green circle = second box - outside on the house - fasade - too less space, no phase wire, wet.

    Yellow XX is the cable which is only in the second box, so I can't connect it to Shelly without leading those 2 new wires through my house. Those two XX cables are connected now.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Admin (17. Mai 2024 um 10:31) aus folgendem Grund: Markenrechtsverletzung Bild gelöscht

  • Dammed, too late for a joke... :D

    miso k : Are you really familiar with electric installation?

    To be honest - I am not electrician, however, I have made some low-voltage electrical projects already.

    I have changed SW and O now:

    From logic point of view:

    L phase and N should power Shelly all the time

    If you can have phase on SW1 or SW2, shelly can react with switching on O1 or O2.

    But probably Shelly2.5 can't detect O1 or O2 state changes on second switch.


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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von miso k (7. Februar 2021 um 23:21)

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