Documentation inconsistency between downloaded and printed i3 User Guide

  • Hello.

    I ran into an inconsistency with the i3 user guide that I downloaded from the knowledge base:

    In the downloaded document, the DC wiring diagram has a couple issues. I discovered them while trying to hook up some switches today while referring to the downloaded user's guide and it wasn't working properly.

    Downloaded (inaccurate)Printed (accurate)
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    1) The L and N labels are swapped.
    2) The colors are mismatched (positive blue, negative red)
    L and N locations match the physical i3.
    Positive/negative colors are correct.

    I'm going to open a ticket to report this, but currently the ticketing system is unavailable.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    the problem with the incorrect documentation is known and already reported very often.

    The picture on the left is the new batch with the changed cable colors and the changed L / N labeling.

    The colors of the new devices have also changed in real-live.

    But makes everything even more confused, as it does with you.

    With AC it doesn't matter whether N or L is switched. It is important to switch what is also connected to the right of the wire.

    With DC minus must be switched. You can swap L + N, but not + and -

    Use this label no matter what colors you see:

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  • I'd wondered if there was a physical change in the i3 design that was reflected in the PDF download version. I looked for a document version number on the PDF and on my my paper copy that that came with my i3, but couldn't find one on either.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    5. Juni 2020 um 10:03

    I also do not agree with the revision procedure for the documentation. in the link here you can find the older instructions

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