False trigger events

  • Hi,

    I have an issue with dimmer2. I get false events fired (possibly because of noise on the electricity grid).

    I use MQTT to controll the shelly devices.

    I have button type setup as detached and use 0-input to detect state changed from the connected switch. Based on that event I switch the dimmer2 and a bunch of ther shellys on or off.

    At random times during the day the 0-input event is fired without the switch actually being touched.

    The effect varies with various firmware versions. Also played with button debounce settings but I cannot get rid of these false triggers. A shelly dimmer (1) in the same setup does not have this issue.

    Any ideas?

  • possibly because of noise on the electricity grid)

    this.. I'd assume there's some kind of temporary inductive load (sw input) which causes the issues..

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
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