• Hi to all,

    I want to change my 7 Shellys2.5, 4 Shellys1 and 1 Shelly Dimmer to a new WiFi. I enter the name and password of the new WiFi, press next and a static window appears in which nothing works.

    I press the tick symbol: Nothing happens!

    I Press the plus symbol: Nothing happens!

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for you time an your attention,

    P.S. By the way, in the comfortable application, in the "Settings" menu the option "Add device" does not appear, therefore, I have not been able to test if it is a failure in the Android App

  • I've not tried it but I found this option:

    User Settings => Tools => Batch WiFi Update

    Right, another way is to use the local Shelly Dashboard (The Web Server) running on the Shelly.. Just type the IP Address of your Shelly in you Web Browser and bellow you see something like "WIFI" Currently I am not sure whats the correct name of the Tab-Menu but its over the Menu "Access Point (AP)"
