Wire Shelly 1PM behind UK light switch

  • Hi all

    I recently purchased 4 Shelly 1PMs And would like to wire them behind my actual light switch if possible.

    I have live neutral and ground behind each 1 gang switch. I can’t seem to find a wiring diagram in order to achieve this :(

    Hopefully someone could draw me a diagram to explain how this could be achieved!:/

    Thank you:)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Orange#Breeze#21970 (18. Dezember 2020 um 11:59)

  • Maybe you could post a pic of what it looks like behind your wall switch?

    In general your live goes to L (take it from „before“ the switch so the Shelly had permanent power), your neutral goes to N and the switched live goes to SW and the switched load goes to O.

    Hope that helps,


  • Okay so the above mentioned stands. The switch doesn’t need neutral but you wrote you have it behind the switch, right?

    Are you good with the information you have now, or do you have further questions?



  • Ok so it looks like I may have made a mistake and should be wiring it into the ceiling rose.

    I have drawn a diagram of all of my ceiling roses:

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    Blue and brown goes to the light itself.
    The other wires come from the ceiling.

    There is also Earthing available but not shown in diagram.

    If someone could please show me how this should be wired I would appreciate it.

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