No response from Shelly i3

  • Dear forum members.

    Since yesterday my 2 Shelly i3 are dead. We did not change anything to the network.

    It's possible to access the 2 devices, but there is no response at all.
    Also, when we try to connect them to a different wifi network, they both give an error message: "Error! Could not manage this device type!". See second pic.

    The button in the app is blank like in this image:

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    When we try to reconnect, this error shows up:

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    Anybody has an idea what is the cause?

    I'd rather not reset the devices because then we have to reinstall all connected url's and scenes.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Elsdeniep (14. Dezember 2020 um 15:43)

  • Solution:

    1. If the i3 is online, you can connect to it (or any Shelly) via it's ip address.

    2. The best way to find the ip address, is to scan with Angry IP Scanner.

    Download AND use it free from:

    3. In Angry Ip Scanner, right click the ip address -> Open -> Web Browser

    4. The web interface of your Shelly opens. Now you can set your values.

    Tip: if I/O URL actions are not working on, for example, your i3, you must check whether the url to be hit is still correct. Use static url settings in order to prevent linking to the wrong url.

  • Hi to all.

    I am new on the Shelly ''sport'' and still truing to engage with the devices.

    I have two questions.

    1. I connect on an i3 multiple devices (2 to be accurate) and after several tests i realized that every time i shut down the power, the devices receive diferent IPs and as a result, i3 is not actually conected to the devices that is attributed to control.

    Can you please advice how we can overcome this? (Static IP, how?)

    2. I have assigned to one input of my i3, 4 of the 6 diferent input methods / commands (long push, 1/2/3 x short push) and its mulfunctioning or no functioning. I tried to hardware reset, software reset via the APP but cannot recover from this behavior.

    All devices i am using are updated by the APP by their initial entry.

    Thank you.

  • vsvasilatos people say it is best to give Shelly devices a fixed IP address.

    However, I never succeeded since settings in modem/router need to be adjusted as well since you need to make a reservation for a range of IP addresses on you router.

    To do so is not idiot proof, as I found out.

    As I understand, the idea is:

    1. make reservation of IP addresses on your router

    2. use these IP addresses for your Shelly fixed IP addresses.

    Hopefully somebody can provide a full tutorial on this.

  • That is clear. Thank you for the recomendation.

    I will proceed with the static IP asignement, test the grid of shelly's i have implemented and revert with results.

    For the record, i am on going with demanding tests on the products as i want to see the reliability for further applications. Any assistance / feedback will be very much apreciated.

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