shelly i3 system-temperature issues

  • hi,

    my shelly i3 is configured as a switch (not momentary). when i press the switch and the state is 'on', the internal temperature rises from 'Normal' to 'Very High' (i see this when accessing shelly with /status in the browser). is this proper behaviour?

    (first i thought it has something to do with the homekit-firmware, but then i tested on stock firmware and this is behaving similar so I think this might be an hardware-issue? see…ekit/issues/301)

    with the homekit-firmware i can see that temperature is sometimes 100 degrees celsius and even higher. thats very hot and i'm worried a little..

  • Wandering#Sound#94 29. November 2020 um 01:27

    Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Shelly 1L nach Shelly i3 verschoben.
  • Wandering#Sound#94 29. November 2020 um 01:27

    Hat das Label von Shelly Dimmer 2 auf Shelly I3 geändert.
  • I have a shelly i3 that shows "Very High" temperature in status.

    It is wired with a momentary switch and the wiring is correct as described above. The switch is wired between the rightmost cable (L) and the i1 input.

    Any ideas on what may be wrong?