Why there are 2 switches on the shelly 1L

  • Hello,

    I was thinking to pre-order some Shelly 1L ( i got no neutral on the switches) . I couldn't find Shelly1L thread so il ask here : why there are 2 switches connectors on the Shelly1/L since they are 1 channel only ?

    What does the 2nd switch do?

    Thanks in advance!

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    Here is an excerpt from the manual that explains the different options with the 2 switches.

    Another advantage is that the second remaining button in detatched mode can trigger further actions for other devices.

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  • Wandering#Sound#94 3. November 2020 um 09:30

    Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Shelly 1 nach Shelly 1L verschoben.
  • Wandering#Sound#94 3. November 2020 um 09:30

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Why there are 2 switches on the shelly 1“ zu „Why there are 2 switches on the shelly 1L“ geändert.