Shelly 2 dimmer with tasmota

  • Hi Folks,

    I am new here to shelly products and this forum board. I have not got my arms around the search function so apologies if this is a repeat question.

    I have an IOT environment modelled after the tasmota firmware consisting of off-the-shelf an self-built sensors/actuators.

    Has anyone ever managed to get the Shelly Dimmer 2 working with Tasmota? I have configured this with the Tasmota 2 config but clearly this is not right as it appears to be for a two channel relay.

    Any pointers on how to configure this in tasmota would be helpful!



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi @mtroyer ,welcome to the forum.:)

    I move your thread to Tasmota area.;)