Shelly 2.5 nach Update Fehler im Iobroker ???

  • Hallo,

    mein Log vom Iobroker zeigt mir folgende Fehlermeldungen nach dem Update auf die v.1.8.0. ????

    Kann da vielleicht jemand von euch helfen woran es liegt?

    DANKE !!!

    2020-08-13 18:03:44.758 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined in function dp.coap.coap_publish_funct for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Shutter.state for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2)2020-08-13 18:03:48.311 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:48.312 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:48.314 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:48.315 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:59.289 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:59.292 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:59.294 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:59.312 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:03:59.806 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined in function dp.coap.coap_publish_funct for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Shutter.state for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2)2020-08-13 18:04:10.284 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:10.288 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:10.357 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:10.361 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:15.821 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined in function dp.coap.coap_publish_funct for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Shutter.state for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2)2020-08-13 18:04:21.257 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:21.262 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:21.317 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:21.321 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:30.877 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined in function dp.coap.coap_publish_funct for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2.Shutter.state for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#2)2020-08-13 18:04:32.368 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay0.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined)2020-08-13 18:04:32.372 - error: shelly.0 (31302) Error in function httpIoBrokerState for state SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1.Relay1.Energy and request{"url":"","timeout":5000} for (shellyswitch25 / shellyswitch25-BCDDC2774E20 / SHSW-25#BCDDC2774E20#1) (TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined)

  • Nabend! Ich habe ein ähnliches Problem, meine Adapter werden zwar erkannt (1xShelly 1, 2x Shelly 1PM, 1x Shellx 2.5), aber die Datenpunkte zu den Relays werden nicht aktualisiert. Die aktuelle Leistung und auch der Switch Status stimmern nicht. Die Fehler im Log sind nach dem Update auf 4.0.0 weg, der Shelly Adapter wird als Verbunden über mqtt angezeigt. Aber ich kann per iOBroker weder schalten, noch die Leistung auslesen. Andere Datenpunkte sind korrekt. Hab es auch schon mit einem Downgrade vom Shelly1PM auf Version 1.6 versucht, war aber auch nicht besser...

    Was kann ich noch tun?!

    Edit: Die Lösung bei mir war MQTT abzuschalten, aber Logindaten für den HTTP Zugang einzurichten. Ohne Passwort scheint es nicht mehr zu klappen, jedenfalls nicht mit den Relay Datenpunkten.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von onkeldave (13. August 2020 um 21:09)

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