Shelly 1 firmware not updating

  • Hey,

    The current Firmware version of your Shelly device is 20200206-083100/v1.5.10@e6a4205e New version 20200601-122823/v1.7.0@d7961837 is available.

    Whenever I press the update button in the webinterface I get the spinning wheel. After about 5-10 minutes I am back at the mainpage without the update being applied.

    I can't update my device.

    Factory reset does not change that.

    Help needed.

  • Try a local update to a 1.6.x version and when this is working to the 1.7

    Thanks for the advice. I am quite new to the game.

    Would you be so kind a guide me on how to perform local updates?

  • Here is a How to in German

    OTA Upgrade

    Let it translate with your favorite translator.

    When you have read it and there are some more questions let me know it

    Deutsch geht auch.

    Es klappt leider nicht.

    Ich bekomm nur die neuste Firmware von der repo. Buildnumber 170 gibt mir 404.

    Ich habe die Lösung mit der HFS Software gewählt.

    Server auf meinem lokalen Computer gestartet.

    Google Chrome mit…


    als Antwort.

    15 min später immer noch kein Ergebnis.

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