Shutter calibration without end points - MQTT Payload is not integer within range: -1

  • Hope someone can help me.

    I have a shutter without end-points, so I know I need to work with travelling time going up and down. After measuring the travelling time I managed to get this working.

    I control the shelly via MQTT in home assistant, this also works fine. Nevertheless, every second I receive a message in the log from the shelly stating: "Payload is not integer within range: -1"

    From reading lots of posts this is because the Shelly is not calibrated.

    Any idea how I can get rid of those messages?

  • Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for the welcome!

    It seems to me indeed, that when the tick in the box for "enable positioning controls" is not ticked it should not send this error message over MQTT

  • joop3 27. Mai 2020 um 16:41

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