Shelly dimmer 2 flickering

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  • hallo today i bought a dimmer2 and after installation i went to calibrate no problems the shelly works but cant putt it off with the dimmer it self
    and when i put the dimmer 2 off in the app the dimmer seems to work but the licht starts to flicker when bein beteen 20% and 80% both under and above its works fijne

    the dimmer is a gira 2385 00 universal led dimmer no idea what i do wrong

  • You can't use 2 dimmers in combination. Gira 2385 is a dimmer and shelly dimmer2 is a dimmer, you need to decide which one to use. If you want to use the dimmer2 as a smart device you need to exchange the Gira 2385 with a standard button switch.