Adding a second switch with an i4 that should trigger a 1PM which is behind first switch

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  • Hi,
    I'm trying to group a shelly wave i4 with a shelly wave 1PM.

    The 1PM is connected to a light and a physical switch(A).
    The i4 is connected to power supply and a physical switch(B) at SW1.

    I set both types to toggle switch and set up a group from i4 SW1 On/Off to 1PM Root Endpoint as well as from the 1PM Root Endpoint SW On/Off to the i4 Endpoint 2.

    My problem is that the light is not changed reliably when using the physical switches.

    When I turn on the light using Switch B then walk over to switch A and using it, the light turns off, but a few seconds later back on.
    Did somebody else have similar experiences? Is my approach of having a bidirectional association the wrong way?
    How could I achieve adding a new switch without having to wire it to the light using an i4?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von yannic4711 (13. Dezember 2024 um 08:00)

  • I got it running, by using HomeAssistants Automations instead of z-wave associations.

    This way the i4 could just toggle the pm1, so no need to sync the state of the i4 and pm1 bidirectional.

    I wonder if it is not possible to do something similar with zwave assotiations. Do the associations really just support: set switch A to same state as switch B?