Shelly1 no long works with mqtt

  • See my post on Shelly EM

    it looks like there is a serious bug in the latest firmware

    You can not set the relay on either the EM or shelly1 , on both it doesn't matter what seeting are used on the web gui

    as soon as you set the relay state, withing 20 seconds it reverts to the slected state of the button on the embedded web gui.

    I now have 4 shelly1 switches that are useless, and a EM which the contactor control cant be used.

    Luckily I used a SONOFF with Tasmota s/w to do some of the switching, but the other part of my application is useless.

    On both you can watch the relay state with MQTT Explorer , change state as selected , then within 20 seconds it reverts to

    the state of the embedded web gui button

    I am extremely miffed over this !!!!

    Please sort out your firmware , this is a serious bug:(

  • There are support tickets raised on both

    I'm stuffed as the 4 shelly1 I have have all got early firmware which had no mqtt support.

    They are all labelled as V2 with a V3 sticker, they were purchased last year.

    So the only way to use them with mqtt is a broken firmware upgrade.

    If I knew how to incorporate a http command in to a HA configuration.yaml and

    automations.yaml, it may be possible to control the switch that way.

    I suspected the forum was a place to get help, but seems not:(

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