EM relay/0 can not be controlled by mqtt

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  • /relay/0 can not be contolled as the the switch position from the Shelly web interface takes priority.

    You can change the state of the relay with mqtt , but within 20 seconds it will change to the state set but the embedded web interface.

    /relay/1 can be stablely set , and is not effected by the embedded software setting of the switch.

    Can the firmware be used to OR the outputs /relay/0 OR /relay/1 so the embedded control of /relay/0 can be set to off,

    so that when the two outputs to the relay driver are OR'd that relay/1 can be used to control the relay.

    Or would someone possibly like to fit two diodes between the relay driver and the output stages of /relay/0 and /relay/1


    My EM is load with the latest firmware,,

    OR this this just going to be ignored and I'll have to use something like a Shelly1 to drive a contactor.

    As it stands the EM does not do what it says it will do in the specifications :(

  • Hallo...

    Ich würde gerne helfen aber verstehe nur die Hälfte. @66er magst du ggf mir erklären was er hat? Also mein Englisch ist nicht das beste aber das verstehe ich da oben echt nicht.


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  • Ne ne... Das habe ich schon übersetzen können. Aber ich verstehe das Problem nicht und dachte das du es ggf. verstanden hast :)


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