Gen2 authentication over HTTP

  • I'm trying to implement (in HomeSeer plugin) Gen2 authentication for password protected devices. Following…ication-details

    But I can't understand how to provide Digest auth response (<ha1> + ":" + <nonce> + ":" + <nc> + ":" + <cnonce> + ":" + "auth" + ":" + <ha2>) for GET request, i.e. "/rpc/Shelly.GetConfig"?

    The docs have examples for "Successful Request with Authentication Details", but only the example Request1 uses the above response.

    Two other examples just use user:pass - which I don't think is correct:

    curl --digest -u admin:mypass http://${SHELLY}/rpc/Shelly.DetectLocation

  • curl --digest -u admin:mypass http://${SHELLY}/rpc/Shelly.DetectLocation

    no idea what you're doing wrong..

    just tested with a Plus I 4 Test-Shelly.

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    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!: