PIR sensor triggering i4 for dimming via Dimmer 2

  • Hello Knowledgebase,

    i am a newbie and have problems setting up my 'night light' scene. I just started, so i am working with the app UI and not any scripts - but if that is what solves my problem...

    I have a PIR sensor that is supposed to trigger input0 of an i4. The WHEN condition is device based on my i4 and i set to 'When input turn state is on'. The property is watched as Trigger (Once). The DO condition is as well device based on my Dimmer 2 and set to 'change state- turn on Shelly device' - HOWEVER here the app states: FW update required to use toggle option (2.13.1) -> according to the app all devices are up-to-date with FW. So which one is the request for???? Dimmer2 or i4? And why do i use the toggle option? What is that?

    Is the missing firmware update the reason for the scene not working? How can i optimise my scene or verify that the PIR signal actually reaches the i4?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    BR Patrick

  • Hello Patrick,

    to better understand and tackle your problem, it would be incredibly helpful if you could provide some screenshots of the erros msg, and your settings. They'll serve as a visual guide and allow to grasp the situation more accurately so that I can try to help you out.

    You can also open a Shelly support ticket. There they will happly guide you through a manual FW update step by step: https://support.shelly.cloud/en/support/tic…report_an_issue

    Anyhow, here's a response from ChatGPT, with Bob a heroic Shelly Support Agent i am working on. Please keep in mind that it may not be entirely accurate since it doesn't have access to the specific settings within the app. It simply made its best attempt based on your description.

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