Shelly pro 3EM ready for photovoltaic

  • Hello ,

    I have installed a Shelly pro 3EM. In the near future I will be getting photovoltaic panels on my house (10KWp , 3 phase) .

    The manual of the Shelly pro3EM says it is "ready" for photovoltaic.

    What can I do with this? , measure how much energy is brought in by the photovoltaic panels on each phase , just like now how much energy is used by all electronics? .

    I guess I have to buy a separate one for the photovoltaic system?

    Does it need to be connected to the other one for example , or are there special settings?



  • Actually i don't know what that should mean, maybe just a pr-gag?

    I can only say, i have a 3EM (not PRO) and solar panels, i think the 3EM should work similiarly to the PRO since it actually works with current transformers too.

    What my 3EM does when the pvpanels produce power (i have a 1-phase pv-grid attached to Phase 2, not a big 3-phase), is just the following:

    Normally when you watch the "live output" of the three phases (on your browser for example) you would see something like:

    Phase A: 300W, Phase B: 150W, Phase C: 100W

    When the pv works and produces more power than is used that output would look something like this:

    Phase A: -100W, Phase B: 200W, Phase C: -300W

    Note the -es, that happens when the power comes "from the other direction", from the pv instead of the net.

    One more idea: Maybe the PRO 3EM calculates what i described above internally, and displays it to you split into consumption from the net and consumption from PV!?

    I can really just guess, cause if you get a 3-phase-PV, i think you will get an additional energy-counter from your provider for the power you upload into their net, at least it usually works like that where i live.

  • Maxxl . I think, PR -thingy as well.

    I have now 1 Pro 3EM , working just fine , next week the solar panels will be installed. Just wondering If I buy a second Pro3EM , and put them on the 3 phases of the solarpanels , so I know what is coming in and what is used . Or doesn't it work like that??

    I will get an app where I can monitor the PV -stuff , but I would like to have it in my home automation as well..



  • Well, as i wrote i have a "similiar" scenario, my PV only has one Phase, so i use a single EM to monitor it's output, which is working quite fine.

    I don't know what your app is capable of since i am only using the shelly web interfaces at the moment, but

    maybe your problem will be the following (mine too at the moment):

    When the PV pushes current into your homenet, here's what's gonna happen:

    The Shelly monitoring the PV will show wonderful values of what it produces.

    The shelly monitoring what you consume from the power company could give you headaches.

    That because it automatically subtracts (on each phase) the pv output from the consumption, this might even result in negative values like:

    Consumption on L1 = 500W

    Production on L1 = 400W

    Shelly Shows: L1 = 100W

    Consumption on L1 = 500W

    Production on L1 = 700W

    Shelly Shows: L1 = -200W

    Maybe the 3EM PRO is different from my 3EM, dont know, can't verify, do not have a PRO, so what i say here is based on my situation.

  • Hello Max,

    Thanks for your answer.

    What I was planning to do is , when the production is a certain amount of watts, than turn on some relais.

    But with your example , it looks like I will not know by the (pro) 3EM what the production is? ( I assume the 3EM is the same info as the pro).

    I have now the pro 3EM on all 3 phases , coming into the house. for one month I know what is being used on every phase (PV-panels not yet installed).

    The plan is/was to buy another pro 3EM and put it on the PV -system. But seeing your example that wouldn't make sense, since I can not measure the production of the PV - system.

    Or would the output of the PV-panels always push 100% through the wires?

    Is that correct?



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