Shelly pro 3EM , MQTT raw data info

  • Hello,

    I have installed a Shelly pro 3EM and it is working fine, On the Shelly APP I see a lot of data and I would like to have this data also in my homeseer (HS4) system. I am usiing MQTT to get all he data from Shelly.

    Can someone help me understanding which topics/data is what?

    Especially I am looking for KWh (totall for the 3 phases) and to know how to interpret this data , is it reset everyday at 00:00 for example?

    Here are all the topics broadcasted which are "unidentified":

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.

    Many thanks,


  • Hello Cornelis

    I'm new to Shelly Pro 3EM too.
    Your received values are not "unidentified". "total_act" means: Total active energy accumulated for all phases - perpetual count, Wh
    For further explanations check this link:
    Shelly PRO 3EM - API


    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.
  • Danoo , "unidentified" is bad wording indeed ....... my bad english.

    Thanks for the tip.

    I have just looked again , and this is the count now:

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    The other screenshot was taken about 1 weeks ago , so it accumulates from when the device was first powered up I think.

    It is now 153130Wh = 153Kwh in one week , that would make sense that number , when I see the energy bill over 12 months.

    I just deleted all saved data , and it looks like it is all I needed


    Thanks for the link

    Many thanks for your help,


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Corvl (1. April 2023 um 13:24)