Recently bought a plus 2pm to do the standard power metering and relay switching + try the Bluetooth device tracking.
As we have phones, smart watches around the house it should work for room detection.
The device has latest fw 0.14.1, HA is also latest 2023.3. The device is added via the native Shelly integration. Active scanning is enabled in HA for the device.
I don't see where the BT devices / entities would show up. 1 toothbrush got identified so something seems to be working, but not any of the phones, watches, other appliances with BT.
Added device tracker to configuration.yaml like this, which results in error messages in the log.
- platform: bluetooth_tracker
Error log:
[homeassistant.components.bluetooth_tracker.device_tracker] Couldn't discover bluetooth devices: [Errno 19] No such device