I have a use case with a solar inverter + homebrew arduino which presents the Inverter control variables as an HTTP conversation.
e.g. To ask the inverter for current solar generation and battery levels I might send: http://solis.local/R?a=33057.2,33139
33057.2 and 33139 are specific registers being requested.
The response will be JSON list thus: {"data":[254,62]}
Meaning 254 watts and 62%
Ideally if I could do this in a shelly script then I could drive intellegent mains switching outputs depending on various power generation scenarios. Shelly would loop periodically making the above call and deciding how to change ouputs depending on the result- perhaps turning something on when the batteries are full, or when solar is above a certain level.
Has anyone worked with an HTTP conv like the above before - can you give me some hints please?
My original plan was a wemosD1 arduino (or similar) for the comms part with an off the shelf mains relay - however just been introduced to the shelly line of products which might already have the right combination of hardware/software.
Many thanks;