Reboot 3em without reset

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  • Hi

    Every time my wifi router reboots, my Shelly 3em loses the connection. How am I supposed to get it back on the network?

    The only thing I know how to do is to hold the green LED for 10 seconds, which resets Shelly. The settings are saved, so I can reconnect easily, but this process resets all the energy meters in the 3em. In my Home Assistant all the accumulated energy sensors go back to zero.

    Surely, there must be some other way of reconnecting without a reset of the meters?

  • Reason why 3EM loses it's connectivity is Wifi router changes wifi channel, If possible set fixed wifi channel to your wifi router

    Option in to reboot 3EM by switching off circuit breakers

  • I guess the problem is that it connects to the extender when my router is offline and then it must be giving up since the extender cannot route without the router, not provide an IP. All my IPs are fixed as are the channels, so that’s not it.

    The only way I can switch off the 3em at the circuit breaker is to flip the master breaker — so that won’t help since the router will also reboot. Maybe this is bad wiring, but the manual did not propose anything else.

    I just find it extremely annoying that I can retain seemingly all the information at the reset apart from the usage data, which seems like the only information worth protecting.

  • you should use circuit breakers (fuses) before shelly

    ESP MCU's aren't good to roam from AP to AP (or wifi extender) so I have a bit doubt of that it's roam to extender, but especially when you have fixed IP in device you should be able to reach it if 3EM is connected to extender because then it's still in wifi and when router is back too everything work as should.
    you can test it removing extender and then reboot wifi AP to see if 3em operates as now