Firmware 0.13.0 for 2nd generation devices is officially released

  • Quickfix for PRO 3EM 0.13.0 is now 0.13.1

    Quelle: Announcement by @lyubomirpetrov on Facebook:

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    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    Have a great day and thank you, again, for all the proactive reporting and help!
    Complete 0.13.0 change log:
    Have a great day and thank you, again, for all the proactive reporting and help!

  • There are some reports that after updating to 0.13.0 the Plus H&T no longer performs any actions. The solution is to completely delete and recreate the relevant actions. Issue is reported, please wait for a fix. Thanks