Can't connect 1PM to cloud

  • Hi,

    I have 2 pcs of 1PMs and I can't get them connected.

    In the app in "add device" function everything seems to go right and the device is shown in the selected room but the 1PM never connects to the cloud and is therefore not accessible via the app. I have tried multiple times resetting the 1PMs (connecting SW-port 5 times on/off after powering the device) and then doing the "add device" process again but this doesn't help. Actually in some cases the device is finally not even added to the room even though there are no error messages during the process. I have tried with multiple Wifi networks but none of them work, not even the networks with names that don't have any special characters in the network name or in the password.

    After doing a reset for the 1PM, it's visible in Wifi with it's own Wifi name and I can connect my mobile phone to the Shelly device wifi. If I then try connect the 1PM via browser ( I only get a web page with the information: {"rssi": 0, "power": 0.00}. Should 1PM have some sort of a browser interface for configuring the Wifi settings?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von M@rkus (29. Januar 2023 um 19:28)

  • sorry, thread only in German, please use if nessasary:

    Shelly bei Inbetriebnahme noch im "factory test mode"