I am new to exploring the IoT and have recently purchased two Shelly Plug US devices and have registered via the cloud app and gotten my device ID and authentication key. Following the Cloud API instructions I am able to get my device listed as well as the device status however I am unable to programmatically turn the device ON or OFF. The following (edited) snippets show what works/does not work
std::string sShellyServer = "https://shelly-59-eu.shelly.cloud";
http_client client(uri::encode_uri(utility::conversions::to_string_t(sShellyServer)));
"/interface/device/list" with my auth_key WORKS
"/device/status" with my device ID and auth_key WORKS
"/device/relay/control ?channel=0&turn=on" with my device ID and auth_key DOES NOT WORK
Any recommendations/suggestions?