[SOLVED] HTTP.Request internal error ?

  • I have two Shelly 4 Pro PM (fw 0.11.3) in the same local network, both connected with ethernet and set up identically. I can access the WebUI on both of them.

    One of them has started to produce the error message: SendData: Error -114 "Resource unavailable: HTTP connect error -1!". It even does this on the first HTTP Request after a reboot.

    Have I broken something in the device ?

  • Have I broken something in the device ?

    maybe by permanently writing/deleting KVS values? Since you didn't share your full script it's just a guess.

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

  • Alright. The Full Debug log (that I hadn't noticed until now) shows that DNS query for the target domain fails. It seems the ISP DNS is no longer responding to queries from one of my Shellys. That is very strange, but it is something I can workaround.

    I have reconfigured the local DHCP to issue google DNS servers to the Shelly devices and that fixed the problem.

    Sorry for taking every ones time.

  • gdslno 21. Oktober 2022 um 18:21

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