How often is device#heartBeat updated?

  • Hi there.

    I have a question how often is channel Last Heartbeat updated by device? It is channel defined as device#heartBeat. I realized it is updated on some random bases. When I created rule for checking the device#heartBeat, it happened it was updated after 15 seconds, then after 5 seconds, then after 25 seconds. So it looks like random approach.

    Reason is, I want to use my own way of recognizing when device is online/offline. I use Plug S device integrated with openHAB system via native Shelly binding used in openHAB. MQTT is not used neither enabled on Plug S. In this table (…llymanager.html) channel is described as "Last time a response or an event was received from the device".

    1) Is there any guaranteed time when this channel is updated so I can stick to it and set my logic accordingly?

    2) Is there a way how to do a force update of this channel or any of device's channel so heart beat is updated? As a workaround I tried to do "dummy" update by setting internal temperature to same value as it already is. However it looks like heartbeat channel value got updated even device was physically offline.

    Is there any way how to set the logic for this? Thank you.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MUDO_M (19. September 2022 um 19:57)

  • MUDO_M 19. September 2022 um 17:54

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „How often is channel device#heartBeat updated?“ zu „How often is device#heartBeat updated?“ geändert.