"http.get" - issue, can anyone see my error?

  • in an Shelly.addStatusHandler() that seems to work and if i use switch.set ir works and all.. bu below does not work i get the error below

    let ip = '';
    let heater_url = 'http://' + ip + '/rpc/Switch.Set?id=0&on='true;"http.get",{url: 'http://' + heater_url },function (result, code, msg, ud) {},null);

    erroronStatusChange callback error: [shelly] is not defined

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Gast10 (17. September 2022 um 11:52) aus folgendem Grund: Code in code-tag

  • i have try'd both with and without "http://" alså fixing the syntax.. the url is an object as should be supported by as params.

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