random mqtt messages send

  • HI,

    I installed my Shelly 1PM behind my wall switch.

    I want to use it in detached mode and do the rest with mqtt.

    MQTT is activated and I receive the messages as expected in mosquitto.

    The problem is I can't integrate it in home assistant because I got every 30 seconds a mqtt message for relay/0 and input/0

    Same happens for a 1PM mounted in a Button as momentary switch.

    Any help here why I receive mqtt messages from my 1PM devices without any physical interaction?

  • at first

    The problem is I can't integrate it in home assistant because I got every 30 seconds a mqtt message for relay/0 and input/0

    not sure what type of messages are those, probably just status updates or power usage..

    Just subscribe the important messages:

    shellies/shelly1pm-609AFD/input/0 0

    shellies/shelly1pm-609AFD/relay/0 on

    shellies/shelly1pm-609AFD/input/0 1

    shellies/shelly1pm-609AFD/relay/0 off

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

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