Shelly H&T frequency of URL updates

  • Hi

    I acquired Shelly H&T, configured it to connect to local network and created an API that saves results to a SQL DB.

    However I found no apparent method of scheduling how often the device should send notifications. Right now it seems very random. Sometimes it happens every 5 minutes, sometimes it doesn't happenfor several hours. I'm pretty sure that my script is alright since I verified this with both, firewall logs and apache access logs. These are all logs from yesterday (that exactly correspond to firewall logs and SQL DB entries)

    [21/Jun/2022:07:48:44 +0200] "GET /api.php?device=14&hum=49&temp=21.62&id=shellyht-6B53E5 HTTP/1.1" 200 148 "-" "Shelly/20220324-134040/v1.11.8-HT-fix-g60b9bd1 (SHHT-1)"
    [21/Jun/2022:09:11:44 +0200] "GET /api.php?device=14&hum=45&temp=21.50&id=shellyht-6B53E5 HTTP/1.1" 200 148 "-" "Shelly/20220324-134040/v1.11.8-HT-fix-g60b9bd1 (SHHT-1)"
    [21/Jun/2022:11:55:06 +0200] "GET /api.php?device=14&hum=40&temp=21.50&id=shellyht-6B53E5 HTTP/1.1" 200 148 "-" "Shelly/20220324-134040/v1.11.8-HT-fix-g60b9bd1 (SHHT-1)"
    [21/Jun/2022:13:43:32 +0200] "GET /api.php?device=14&hum=45&temp=21.62&id=shellyht-6B53E5 HTTP/1.1" 200 148 "-" "Shelly/20220324-134040/v1.11.8-HT-fix-g60b9bd1 (SHHT-1)"
    [21/Jun/2022:13:48:44 +0200] "GET /api.php?device=14&hum=40&temp=21.88&id=shellyht-6B53E5 HTTP/1.1" 200 148 "-" "Shelly/20220324-134040/v1.11.8-HT-fix-g60b9bd1 (SHHT-1)"

    So yesterday, the device only reported status 5 times, 2 days ago (the sensor was literally on top of the wi-fi router)

    So... How often should it report temperature and humidity? Can I influence this in any way (other than choosing it to report on temperature change)



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  • The sending time is depending from your setup.

    if no change on temp and humity it is the default. if temp or humity change more than adjusted in setup sending every change.

  • via Rest-API you can try this cammand:


    xx = time (i'm not shure secondes or minutes)

  • It didn't change anything. The value is in seconds, right?

    here's the output I got after running the API call

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