I understand the Shelly PRO 1 (just like all devices of the PRO series) provides both an Ethernet and the usual Wifi connectivity.
I think one interesting use case would have this little blue gem installed on a breaker box, connected to the home network through the wired Ethernet connection, and have it work as an AP bridged to the main Ethernet so to provide Wifi connectivity to other devices nearby.
As far as I could tell, the stock firmware does not currently provide such a feature, and I don't understand why.
Technically the Shelly PRO 1 already exposes AP functionality, at the same time as the Ethernet connectivity so it would just be a matter of L2-bridging the two together. I wouldn't assume full NAT functionality to be already available out of the box (or trivial to implement) but a simple Layer2 bridge should not be impossible, especially since the ESP32 already provides MII/RMII in hardware. I guess I can't expect such a device to provide the bandwidth to watch HD streams, but for a bunch of Shelly devices it should be more than enough.
I even found a sample project which apparently does what I'm looking for: https://www.hackster.io/simon-vavpotic…t-bridge-a2adaa
Is there any technical reason for not offering such a working mode? Am I completely off here?