Trying to get my head round this....I want to install a 2-gang wall switch, with both gangs using 2-way retractive switches, in my lounge. I do not have a Neutral wire at any of my wall switches, as I am in the UK.
Gang 1 would feed a ceiling light, which would be turned on and brightened by a Shelly Dimmer 2 (SW1) as well as by a short or long push on the top rocker (L1) of the Gang 1 retractive switch.
That same ceiling light would be turned off or dimmed by the Shelly Dimmer 2 (SW2) as well as by a short or long push on the bottom rocker of the Gang 1 retractive switch (L2).
The Shelly Dimmer 2 would get its permanent Live (L) from the existing Live wire in my wall and the ceiling light would be fed from the O of the Shelly Dimmer 2, via the existing switched live wire in my wall.
So far so good.
But I'd like the Gang 2 switch to ultimately control a couple of table lamps, which at present simply plug into wall sockets and use their own dumb on/off inline switches. Obviously at present they have no capability of being controlled by a "remote" wall switch. So, would the following configuration work........?
A Shelly 1L located alongside the Shelly Dimmer 2 (i.e. both Shellys placed behind the double wall switch in a deep back box).
The Shelly 1L connected with SW1 going to L1 of the Gang 2 wall switch and SW2 going to L2 of the Gang 2 wall switch.
The permanent live for the Shelly 1L would be looped across from the permanent live going to the Shelly Dimmer 2 for Gang 1.
Two further Shelly Dimmer 2's connected inline to the two table lamps, one Shelly for each lamp (with those Shelly Dimmer 2's having access to both Live and Neutral from their respective plug sockets). The existing inline dumb switches would be removed.
The Shelly 1L would then be configured in the Shelly app to trigger URL commands to the Shelly Dimmer 2's in the table lamps (with the commands following pretty much the same configuration as for the ceiling light, short push, long push, brighten, dim, etc).
So, the Shelly 1L wouldn't directly control any lights itself, it would merely act as a "forwarder of commands" to the two Shelly Dimmer 2's, and the Gang 2 wall switch would therefore act as a "remote" for the table lamps.
BUT......as a result of nothing being connected to to the O terminal of the Shelly 1L, would the Shelly 1L actually work, with just a permanent Live input?
I hope someone on here knows the answer.