Shelly Motion coiot_update_period doesn't work

  • Hi! I have about 12 shelly motion and they're draining battery like mad. We're talking a full recharge after two weeks and it doesn't really matter how often they trigger or not.

    So I thought they have to boot up their WIFI module more often than necessary and I read about the settings/coiot_update_period field in the documentation.

    But I cannot set it. It doesn't matter what I try, it always stays the same.

    Maybe someone can help.

    Here's a sample REST-request trying to set it (tried both GET and POST with the same result of it being set to 3600)

    What is happening here and how am I the only one getting this?

    Firmware is up to date. Doesn't matter if I reset the Shelly...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von gufalcon1 (10. April 2022 um 16:44)

  • You've enabled DHCP. Are you able to assign it a fixed IP or give it a fixed DHCP IP ? Your CoIOT peer is on a slighlty different network than the Shelly motion (10,10,197.x vs 10.10.196.x). If any timeouts results in the Wifi radio of the Motion being on for a long time, that will hurt battery life? How is the connectivity while you have the device on the charger?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von biomass (28. März 2022 um 21:38) aus folgendem Grund: Have you tried to setting it to something larger than 3600 (a short cycle means the device will be in the on state for longer, affecting battery performance)

  • The connectivity is perfect while on charger. And it's perfect while off as well. No problem there. My network submask is, so no routing there at all. It's not a connectivity issue.

    The Shellys get their IP every time without fail (it's fixed on the firewall that acts as a DHCP server).

    The problem is the battery draining.

    But the real problem is that I cannot change the setting while every documentation says I can.

    Can somebody this as a problem please.



  • According to the API for the Motion, the parameter that you see in the generic HTTP API, is not available. Since the Motion is battery operated, I would think that you cannot change that parameter as it would change the energy consumption drastically depending on the user input. The parameter is mostly there for software like Home Assistant to know when the device is offline (e.g. has not come back with an update within 1 hour).

    If the 1 hour update period is a given, how often do you see your Motion devices connect to your AP?

  • From what I know Coiot_update_period is fixed to once per hour (3600 seconds) and cannot be changed.

    But I doubt this is related to the problem..


    Do you use an external system to ping the shelly motion or query their REST-API regularly? this would be a real battery killer..

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

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