Strange battery reports

  • I have 5 H&T and one of them has a strange behaviour.

    Despite having replaced the battery with a new one, each time it reports values it reports "strange" battery values (see attached screenshot).

    Most of the time it reports battery 0% but working normally.

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  • Please call x.x.x.x/status in your browser and post the result here in code-tag.

    (Don't forget to wake up the H&T).

  • Please call x.x.x.x/status in your browser and post the result here in code-tag.

    (Don't forget to wake up the H&T).

  • Code

    Have you a measurement equipment to verify the 2.52 V of the battery?

    If there are realy 2,52V your new battery, bad is the reason. ;)

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