TRV 's seem to have very poor reception and looses connection all the time.

  • Hi,

    I run into major issues with the Wifi connection of all my TRV's (4). In locations where I have rather good Wifi signal (-60dBm or better), the Shelly app looses connection all the time and the devices gets offline. Also in the browser I can not reach the TRV's. The Wifi signal is OK as my mobile and 2 other devices (Sonoff) on the same AP work perfectly. Also the TRV's report device signal as "Good". The AP is about 5 meters away from the TRV's. This is a very frustrating experience for me. I wonder if anyone has experiences similar problems?

  • I also see connection issues when I try to connect after not connecting for a while. Once I get a connection, it remains stable though.

    Perhaps it preserves battery life by going into some kind of sleep mode after not actively using the wifi for a while, and needs some time to wake up from it?

    When primarily using a protocol like MQTT it might not be a big deal that it checks the topic only at certain intervals and the wifi isn't reachable all of the time.

  • Raboof,

    Thanks for the reply. In my case, it is very intermittent. Particular with one TRV, I loose connection all the time. The others seem to be a bit more stable but not workable. I have integrated them with Home Assistant integration the and HA reports the following in the log:

    • Error fetching Badkamer TRV2 data: Sleeping device did not update within 3600 seconds interval
    • Error fetching Badkamer TRV1 data: Sleeping device did not update within 3600 seconds interval
    • Setting state for entity Badkamer TRV2 failed, state: {'target_t_enabled': 1, 'target_t': '24.0'}, error: TimeoutError()
    • Setting state for entity Badkamer TRV1 failed, state: {'schedule': 1, 'schedule_profile': '4'}, error: ClientConnectorError(ConnectionKey(host='xx.xx.xx.xx', port=80, is_ssl=False, ssl=None, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None, proxy_headers_hash=7041496752766080900), OSError(113, "Connect call failed ('xx.xx.xx.xx', 80)"))

    The one that always looses connection, is the one that I have put closest to the AP and has the best Wifi signal. So it must be something with the Wifi receiver. I noticed that the TRV's have network chips from Silicon Laboratories, not from Espressif Inc. (ESP32) like the other Shelly devices I have. I can not put a AP next to each TRV so I'm stuck.

  • I have integrated them with Home Assistant integration the and HA reports the following in the log:

    • Error fetching Badkamer TRV2 data: Sleeping device did not update within 3600 seconds interval
    • Error fetching Badkamer TRV1 data: Sleeping device did not update within 3600 seconds interval

    I'm not too familiar with HA, but it seems it's polling the HTTP endpoints. Does HA support MQTT? The TRV periodically checking and updating the MQTT topics might be able to deal with unstable connections better compared to polling...

  • It's an interesting point. I am assuming the TRV does not have a sufficient reception of the Wifi signal. You point out that the device could go in sleep mode and can not be waken up. I can check it by placing the AP next to one of the TRV's and see if the problem continues. To be continued.

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