Missing - Don't activate if the button is long pushed.

  • On my Shelly Plus 1 I can't find the option on the momentary switch that suppress the relay action when the long push is detected:

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    On the previous versions:

    Don't activate if the button is long pushed. Notice: If short pushed, the relay will be switched only after the button is released.

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    Anyone has a workaround? (desirable resolved locally)

    Best regards

  • I have also been annoyed by the lack of an option to avoid switching the relay when the button is long pushed.

    My Shelly Plus 1 has a longpush webhook to turn a lamp across the room on/off, however whenever i perform a longpush with the button in momentary mode the lights connected to the relay turn off, then after the long push has registered I have to perform another short push to turn the relay lights back on. This is really annoying.

    As a workaround I have set the button to "Detached" mode and then used a script to toggle the relay whenever a short push is received. This has worked ok, however there is still a short delay between the time when the button is pushed and the relay toggles.

    Here is the script I am using, I adapted it from the script in this forum post