Garage Door with MQTT and HomeAssistant

  • Hi Forum,


    I have a Garagedor Opener (Hörmann) installed with a PushButton (Open-Stop-Closed-Stop...) and a Wall mounted Button, photoelectric sensor and what not. An integration pushing just the button with the shelly is simple, however, i wanted defined states. Therfore i have installed a reed switch signaling me a closed door.

    Currently i run a Shelly 1 having the logic buried in HomeAssistant/Node Red. With the new Plus 1 devices i tried to push down the logic to the Shelly, so this is what i came up with:

    • Shelly 1 Plus
    • Detached Mode
    • Reed Switch on Input (ON== Closed)
    • Relaid Connected to Door opener
    • MQTT enabled
    • HomeAssistant with MQTT, defining a Cover as:

    On the Shelly i run a script as:

    i will see how it runs on a long run....

    Any Feedback&Improvements are highly welcome :-)

